Friday, 19 March 2010

School closure action group to lobby councillors over closures

Concerned parents and governors are lobbying Powys councillors as they meet to discuss the gloomy future for several high schools. Members of Powys Against Cuts in Education (PACE), will lobby councillors before they meet in Llandrindod Wells.

A spokesperson for PACE said: "All of Powys's high schools are vital to their local communities and provide by any measure a high standard of education as well as a uniquely caring environment for the young people of Powys.

Their sixth forms are both successful and essential to the life of the 13 schools."

PACE is launching it's website to publicise developments.

In other news there has been a £2.2m boost to be spent improving five Gypsy and traveller sites in Wales. More here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - seems you have a problem with funding worthwhile project and essential services. All deserve support but I'm not sure why you spread them out in a long list. One concise report would make a better read. Looking beyond some of the text and photo's I could see what is a beautiful area. How about giving comparisons. The good and the bad wrapped up in one article. Meanwhile may you succeed in your endeavors to make the world a more beautiful place. Regards Patrick
